
Universal Baccalaureate Programmes have been carefully designed to ensure that schools associated with us become the first choice of every parents, programmes are thoughtfully designed to provide a comprehensive and enriching educational experience, fostering a reputation that resonates with parents seeking the best for their children.

UBacc is proud to offer exceptional education development programmes aimed at empowering educators, students, and parents to foster critical thinking, self-reflection, and a lifelong commitment to learning and growth. Our comprehensive programs are thoughtfully designed to provide teachers with innovative and diverse educational frameworks, unit planners, teaching resources, and evaluation tools.

Our commitment to providing high-quality professional development stems from our belief that every learner deserves an enriching and engaging educational experience. We believe that effective professional development for educators is essential to support the development of these experiences for students. Our programs aim to equip educators with the skills and knowledge they need to deliver high-quality instruction and promote student success.

At UBacc, we recognize that education is a collaborative effort involving all stakeholders, including parents. As such, our programs also provide opportunities for parents to learn about best practices in education and how they can support their child's learning journey.

We are dedicated to promoting excellence in education through our professional development programs and are committed to helping educators, students, and parents reach their full potential. 

Here are the links of various Programmes of Universal Baccalaureate;





AI & Robotics 

Parental Awareness Programme