Teachers Performance Review & Development (TPRD) Programme

"Best and result oriented education does not come from grand and impressive school buildings, it comes from  the dedicated, innovative, creative and very well-trained teachers". 

-Universal Baccalaureate

UBacc Schools believe that students are the future of society, and teachers are the backbone of their education. We firmly believe that the quality of education is not solely reliant on grand and impressive school buildings, but rather on the dedication, innovation, and creativity of well-trained and knowledgeable teachers. Our TPRD programme is designed to help teachers enhance their dedication, creativity, and expertise to provide the best possible education to their students.

In a scenario where a teacher lacks proper education or lacks interest in their students' understanding of the subject matter, it can have significant consequences for the students' learning and development. Students may face difficulties in comprehending the material being taught, resulting in frustration and disengagement from the learning process. They may also fall behind their peers and struggle to keep up with coursework, which can ultimately hinder their academic success and future prospects.

It is crucial that teachers possess a strong educational background and are equipped to effectively deliver their subjects to students. Teachers who demonstrate dedication to their students' learning and understanding of the subject matter create a positive learning environment and nurture a love for learning.

At Universal Baccalaureate (UBacc), we firmly believe that the quality of education is not solely reliant on grand and impressive school buildings, but rather on the dedication, innovation, and creativity of well-trained and knowledgeable teachers. To support this belief, we provide high-quality professional development programs for teachers that encourage critical thinking, self-reflection, and a commitment to lifelong learning and continuous improvement.

UBacc offers the Teacher Performance Review and Development (TPRD) programme, which is specifically designed to enhance the dedication, innovation, creativity, and expertise of teachers. This valuable initiative plays a critical role in ensuring teachers stay abreast of the latest teaching methodologies, educational research, and best practices. By providing opportunities for teachers to enhance their skills and knowledge, UBacc is investing in the continuous growth and improvement of its educators.

The TPRD programme offers a wide range of benefits to teachers. It grants them access to workshops, seminars, conferences, and training sessions facilitated by experts in the field of education. These opportunities enable teachers to expand their pedagogical toolbox, explore innovative teaching strategies, and gain insights into effective classroom management techniques.

Furthermore, the TPRD programme creates a platform for teachers to collaborate and share their experiences, ideas, and challenges. By fostering a supportive community of educators, UBacc promotes a culture of continuous learning and collaboration among its teaching staff.

By prioritizing teacher passion and commitment to their profession, the TPRD programme significantly contributes to the overall success of students. When teachers are equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, and support, they can create engaging and dynamic learning environments that inspire students to reach their full potential.

IUBacc offers the Teacher Performance Review and Development (TPRD) programme, which is specifically designed to enhance the dedication, innovation, creativity, and expertise of teachers. This valuable initiative plays a critical role in ensuring teachers stay abreast of the latest teaching methodologies, educational research, and best practices. By providing opportunities for teachers to enhance their skills and knowledge, UBacc is investing in the continuous growth and improvement of its educators.

This approach allows for the sharing of best practices and the development of new teaching strategies that benefit all students.

At UBacc, we firmly believe that investing in the professional development of teachers is paramount to delivering a high-quality education. By nurturing the dedication, innovation, creativity, and expertise of our educators, we strive to provide an enriching and transformative learning experience for all students.

"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."

 - William Arthur Ward 

Teacher's Dedication, Creativity, and Expertise required for Quality Education


Teachers who are fully committed to their students and their own professional development are better able to engage their students, fostering deeper learning and understanding.


Creative teachers are able to design and implement engaging lessons that excite students and promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills.


Expert teachers have in-depth knowledge of their subject areas and are able to deliver instruction that leads to better student outcomes and a more meaningful educational experience.

"Teachers have three loves: love of learning, love of learners, and the love of bringing the first two loves together." 

- Scott Hayden 

How TPRD Programme Developes Teaching Qualities


Teachers take a deep look at what they do in the classroom and how they can improve their teaching practice. 

Feedback and Support

Teachers receive constructive feedback and support from peers and mentors to improve their teaching skills and address areas of weakness.

Goal Setting

Teachers set goals for their own development and create a plan for achieving them.

Ongoing Evaluation

Teachers evaluate their progress and make adjustments to continue growing and improving.


Improved teacher performance

The TPRD programme leads to better teaching, which in turn leads to improved student outcomes and better overall school performance.

Shared knowledge and collaboration

The TPRD programme encourages teachers to share their knowledge and expertise with others, leading to a more collaborative and supportive learning environment.

Increased teacher retention

Teachers who are engaged in their professional development are more likely to stay in the teaching profession, reducing turnover and increasing stability at the school.


Improved Student Outcomes

Improved Teacher Performance

Improved School Performance

"The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don't tell you what to see." 

- Alexandra K. Trenfo 

Teachers Performance Review and Development Programmes at HRD Center

"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." 

- Albert Einstein